Ancient Future Scriptural Online Church (AFSOC)

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Jesus can be likened to a USAF Pararescueman. He was highly skilled and specially selected for the mission. He jumped in behind enemy lines. He knew that He was likely to die. He chose to do it anyway, "that others may live" -- forever.

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Jesus can be likened to a USAF Pararescueman. He was highly skilled and specially selected for the mission. He jumped in behind enemy lines. He knew that He was likely to die. He chose to do it anyway, "that others may live" -- forever.

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Christology Exposition Spiritual Warfare

They ‘dissed’ the Carpenter!!

This column started as a Facebook post on the 1st of July. It has been expanded slightly. There is a lot that is written “between the lines” in the Holy Bible. That is why we need to take a deep dive. On this dive, you might need to “hold your nose” at times. But, without this knowledge, modern people cannot fully relate to why Yehowah (God the Father, who seems quite angry in much of the Old Testament) was so angry. And, without that understanding, people tend to think of Him as “mean”. But, there is a big difference between meanness and “righteous anger”. Read on.

2nd Kings 17:10-12, cf.

The phrases shown in the picture are used many times in the Holy Bible. But, what exactly do they mean, and why does it make Yehowah so angry?? Obviously, they are worshipping idols. And, yes, that is bad. Is there more?

Yes. Get ready for a “deep dive”. God is especially angry because of the type of idols, and because of the way that the people used them. The “wooden images” are mostly handheld statues of Ashtoreth* — the female goddess of the Ammonites, one of the people groups that God defeated for the Israelites. The sacred pillars are large-scale versions of the “wooden images”. People gathered around the sacred pillars and prayed to them at the high places. (Also known as: Ashoreth, Astarte, etc.)

The Holy Bible also says that, in some of the places where these pillars were worshipped, there were women working in booths to weave coverings for those pillars. We see remnants of that ritual when public school teachers gather children on the play ground to wrap ribbons around a “May pole”. Have you ever wondered why they do that in May…?? Consider the slang term “Spring fever”. Schools are teaching children the basics of an ancient pagan fertility ritual.

Young women doing an “innocent” May Pole ceremony at a Christian university.

Now, here is where it starts getting deep. The “wooden images” might be better translated as “male” images. Yes, you guessed correctly. They were praying to a “d–k”. And, that d–k had a female name! So, they were “gender bending”. But, wait, it gets worse.

What do you think that they were doing while they were praying to a d–k with a female name? Yep, you guessed correctly. The women were mas—-bating with an idol of a d–k with a female name while praying to it. And, they were asking Ashtoreth to bless them with children!! (Now you know what a pagan “fertility ritual” is actually about. Now you know why the name Easter — from the Babylonian fertility goddess Ishtar — is such an insult to Yehowah God.) But, wait, it gets worse.

Now you understand why the One True God warned the leaders of Israel to not allow the men to “take foreign wives, lest they lead you astray, according to the abominations of the nations that Yehowah your God drove out before you”. Sadly, a large percentage of the men did acquire the customs of those other nations. In the final level of transition, the women were “pegging” their husbands with the “wooden images” and teaching the men to pray to those images. Can you imagine how angry Yehowah became when those people were equating a wooden idol stuck up a man’s a–hole (by his wife, no less!) to the great and powerful and only One True God??

And, now, you can understand why God repeatedly punished the Israelites (especially the Northern Kingdom, which also built two golden calves*!). They had brought God “as low as one can go”. They were simultaneously breaking every rule of God’s design for love and marriage, along with insulting His authority “at the deepest level”. And, that is why He sometimes punished His people “to the third and fourth generation”. (*And, if you don’t think that people in modern times still worship golden calves, consider the pictures below.)

Historical artifact similar to the “golden calf” of Moses’ time
Actual corporate logo of a “Big Phrama” company

At this point, there are likely some hair-splitting, “hard shell” Christians out there trying to poke holes in this presentation by saying, “Well, that was all in the Old Testament — which doesn’t apply anymore.” Wrong!! Jesus did not come to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. And, because the Holy Trinity is “eternally co-existent”, the vile practices of the ancient Israelites were equally disrespectful to the atoning sacrifice of Yeshua (Jesus) as they were to Yehowah (God). They “dissed” the Carpenter by the way they used the carved wood, thus spitting upon His painful sacrifice on the wooden Holy Cross.

Jesus also said that, just before He returns, things will be “as it was in the days of Noah”. A reading of Genesis 6 shows that “in those days, the whole earth was filled with violence”. Most people would agree that the worst form of violence is sexual. All through the Bible, a distinction is drawn between sexual sins and all other sins. The evil that people were doing was so great that God destroyed all life with water in the Great Flood.

So, why do modern Christians need to understand this now?? Because the same thing is happening all around us. People are adopting “the abominations of the other nations” — and even bragging about it online! For those people that mock my analyses of whether we are in the End Times, their usual argument is, “No, because things will be much worse then.” My question to those people is, “How much worse do you want things to become before realizing what the Bible plainly says??!!” Modern society allows drag queens to teach children in public schools, under a flag for sexual perversion, and you want it to get worse before you will believe??

Then, God made a promise — that He would never again destroy the world by water. The seal of that promise is the #rainbow. So, now, the whole world is using the symbol of God’s promise as the rallying symbol of their perversion. Still think that Jesus isn’t coming back soon?? Still think that we are not already in the Tribulation? Still think that allowing open perversion in front of our children has not doomed America and the world? “Get right, or get left….”

Tom Kovach (rhymes with "watch") is a former US Air Force law enforcement supervisor, a former Civil Air Patrol search and rescue Ranger instructor and commander, a former deputy sheriff, a certified paralegal, a licensed armed security officer, and a licensed insurance agent. Tom is working on his private investigator's license. He is also a Class-A freefall parachutist, an open-water scuba diver, and a published author. Tom studied theology at the Orthodox Monastery of the Annunciation. Tom Kovach is the founder of the Ancient Future Scriptural Online Church (AFSOC). He lives in the Nashville area.