Ancient Future Scriptural Online Church (AFSOC)

"We're the other AFSOC…!" (Founded: Fri, 16 Aug 2024, by Pastor Tom Kovach)

Jesus can be likened to a USAF Pararescueman. He was highly skilled and specially selected for the mission. He jumped in behind enemy lines. He knew that He was likely to die. He chose to do it anyway, "that others may live" -- forever.

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Jesus can be likened to a USAF Pararescueman. He was highly skilled and specially selected for the mission. He jumped in behind enemy lines. He knew that He was likely to die. He chose to do it anyway, "that others may live" -- forever.

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AFSOC Life Exposition

Exodus 6:3 — PROOF of God’s PROPER Name

For many years, I have been trying to explain to people the importance of God’s proper name: Yehowah. (That is the proper rendition, in English letters, of His actual name. The spelling “Jehovah” is also proper, but only if you apply the Latin pronunciations of the letters — where the “J” is pronounced like a “Y”, and the “v” is pronounced like a “w” in front of a vowel.) That is His name — the one that He actually says that He wants people to call upon, and frequently. (see especially 2nd Chronicles 7:14)

Yes, you read correctly. “God” is not actually His name; it is his title. And, the verse shown below is proof.

Yehowah Himself explained to Moses that the three Hebrew Patriarchs — Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — did not even know Him by his actual name. What happened next is part of why Moses is known as the “friend of God”. God Almighty revealed to Moses the name that no one had known for 430 years!

In the English translations of the Holy Bible, when you see the word LORD (in either all-caps or small caps), that is the representation of the name Yehowah. It arises from a Jewish belief (which appeared only after the exile in Babylon. The belief is that His proper name is “too holy to speak”. But, that belief runs counter to many Bible verses. Yehowah wants people to call upon His name. But, instead, some people barely even use his title. Instead, they make up phrases such as “Great Architect of the Universe”. (That one is nowhere in the Holy Bible.) Many Jews actually call God only by Ha Shem: “The Name”.

Compare this to an imaginary Little League baseball team. There are nine players. Eight of them agree to shout, “Three cheers for Coach!” But, one player wants to shout, “Three cheers for Coach Smith!” Which cheer will be more pleasing to the coach? That’s right — the cheer that uses the coach’s name! In that same way, Yehowah is more pleased by the believer that uses His actual name. That is when we truly develop a “personal relationship” with the God of the Universe.

So, how can you be sure that my assertion is correct? Simple. Try using the name Yehowah in your prayer life. And then, watch it go into “overdrive”. Not only will you become confident that Yehowah hears your prayers, but sometimes you will hear Him answer! And, your daily walk with Him will become more steady. Why? Because He favors those that call upon His name.

That is why using the name Yehowah is part of the “operational doctrine” here at AFSOC. Granted, at first it takes a bit of effort to break old habits. But, the benefits are worth the effort. Try it for yourself and see.

Tom Kovach (rhymes with "watch") is a former US Air Force law enforcement supervisor, a former Civil Air Patrol search and rescue Ranger instructor and commander, a former deputy sheriff, a certified paralegal, a licensed armed security officer, and a licensed insurance agent. Tom is working on his private investigator's license. He is also a Class-A freefall parachutist, an open-water scuba diver, and a published author. Tom studied theology at the Orthodox Monastery of the Annunciation. Tom Kovach is the founder of the Ancient Future Scriptural Online Church (AFSOC). He lives in the Nashville area.