There is a saying among sincere Christians that “Jesus is on every page of the Holy Bible”. Certainly, there are implications of the Triune God (one God, manifested in three holy Persons — one of which is Jesus) going all the way back to the Creation description in the Book of Genesis. (For example, the “Spirit of God” is mentioned as acting independently of God.)
My favorite example of a “foretype” of Jesus in the Old Testament is the “ram in the thicket”, later in the Book of Genesis. God had commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his only son. It was an ultimate test of Abraham’s obedience. But, at the last moment, an angel grabs Abraham’s arm and stops him from plunging the knife into Isaac. Then, he spots a ram caught by his horns in a nearby thicket. This is a prediction of Jesus wearing the crown of thorns before He was sacrificed on the Cross.
One unlikely place for spotting a foretype of Jesus is in the Book of Job — which scholars believe was written after the Flood and before the birth of Moses, thus making it the first book of the Holy Bible (in chronological order of writing). But, there are several references in Job that match the life of Jesus. One is Job 9:8, where we see that the same God that spreads out the heavens also treads upon the waves of the sea. (Jesus walked on water.)
The sacrifice of Jesus is described in Job 16:10-11.
The most famous reference to Jesus in the Book of Job is found in verses 19:23-25, cf.
In the final war that leads up to the return of Jesus, scholars believe that God will send a “natural disaster” of truly Biblical proportions to save Jerusalem from destruction by the coalition of nations that will surround her. Could this passage from the Book of Job specify that disaster? I believe so. (Readers should note that the second half of the seven-year Tribulation that precedes Jesus’ return is known as “the time of Jacob’s trouble”. See Verse 23.)
So, the next time that someone tries to tell you that Christians don’t need to know anything about the Old Testament, or that it does not apply today, or that Jesus is not found there, show them this.