Ancient Future Scriptural Online Church (AFSOC)

"We're the other AFSOC…!" (Founded: Fri, 16 Aug 2024, by Pastor Tom Kovach)

Jesus can be likened to a USAF Pararescueman. He was highly skilled and specially selected for the mission. He jumped in behind enemy lines. He knew that He was likely to die. He chose to do it anyway, "that others may live" -- forever.

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Jesus can be likened to a USAF Pararescueman. He was highly skilled and specially selected for the mission. He jumped in behind enemy lines. He knew that He was likely to die. He chose to do it anyway, "that others may live" -- forever.

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AFSOC Life Exposition Love and Sex

Romans 1 — ‘against nature’

The first chapter of Paul’s letter to the Romans was written for both the Christian believer and the unbeliever. Although, in the earthly sense, it was written specifically to the early community of believers in the capital of the Roman Empire, it was also written to people across the centuries to help us see “the battle lines” and get prepared for them. Those battle lines become more fierce as the End Times are upon us and the return of Jesus draws near. If you don’t believe that statement, then just read the chapter and look around at today’s society.

As the About page of this site explains in some detail, this church is part of the Special Operations division of the modern American Church. We go where others won’t go and say what others won’t say. For example, what other church is going to deliver a message about an*l s*x?? Yes, you read correctly (even if it was self-censored, to “keep things polite”). As the saying goes, “Sit down and buckle up.”

As you can see in the above quote from the Holy Bible (Romans 1:24-27), not only does the Bible mention an*l s*x, but it does so in a manner that prohibits it for both men and women — simultaneously and equally. The haters of God will try to argue that the words “an*l s*x” are not in the Holy Bible. Neither are the words “homose*uality”, “b*stiality”, or “ped*philia” — and yet, it is obvious that all of those things are an abomination* to God. (By the way, the word ‘abomination” comes from a Hebrew root word that means “to vomit”. Therefore, such sins make God want to puke.) People really should pay more attention to the Word of God.

At this point, we should look at a medical term that comes from the Greek language. The word is “peristalsis“. It is the word for the constant, wave-like movement of the “alimentary canal” through the body. Food goes into the mouth, and then passes down the esophagus, and then into and through the stomach, and then the small and large intestines, and then the undigested waste passes through the colon and out the anus. That entire system is called the alimentary canal. It moves constantly. It is one of the involuntary functions that is controlled by the medula oblongata part of the brain.

So, what does peristalsis have to do with God’s designs for sex?? It is a basic lesson about fundamental design. Everything goes in only one direction. This is universal — not only among people, who were designed in God’s image, but also among the animals. It is a basic of “nature”. So, when people try to “put things where they don’t belong”, then that process goes “against nature”. Or, as a girlfriend that I used to have once said, “Exit only! No entrance in the rear.” (I was not trying to “go there”, but she momentarily thought that I was.)

The lesson goes even deeper. When food goes into the mouth, it is full of life-sustaining nutrients. But, when what is left of the food goes out the other end, it is full of death-causing bacteria. The same food that smelled wonderful before dinner later smells disgusting after passing through the digesting process and exiting the body. Why would anyone get any pleasure out of an a**hole?? They all stink!! And, why would anyone — man or woman — want to use that orifice when God designed a much better one for that very purpose? And, that better orifice is “right next door”. Hmmmm…. It adds a new dimension to a reading of Deuteronomy 30:19.

Sadly, a lot of children are taught to view God as a big cosmic “meanie” that wants to prevent us from enjoying life. In reality, the opposite is true. God wants us to not only enjoy life, but also to enjoy life forever. In order to do that, we must follow some basic rules. One set of rules is about how God intended for us to use the bodies that He gave us. There is pleasure “built in”, if we use our bodies the right way. But, there are other “fleshly pleasures” that last for only a moment. Using our bodies in ways that violate God’s design can lead us to Hell. But, why would we use our bodies in wrong ways, when God gave us plenty to enjoy in the right ways? (For example, scientists have found that pleasure is the only function of the clitoris. Therefore, it would not even be there if God wanted us to have sex “only for reproduction”. Read that again, and then go save your marriage….)

In contrast, Satan can be very devious. After all, he is the “father of lies”. One of his biggest modern weapons is pornography. And, one of the ways that Satan uses porn is to expose people to ideas that they otherwise might not have thought about. For example, a teenage boy is curious about sex, and so he goes to a porn site or grabs a porn magazine to “learn what girls look like”. He has never before even thought about anal sex. But then, he is repeatedly exposed to it and becomes curious. He is told by the lying words and images that the girl enjoys it. (He doesn’t notice the bruises on her arms from being held down and forced into it for the pictures….) And so, he goes down that dark path. Sadly, teenage girls are often exposed in a similar manner — although, sometimes, the exposure comes directly from one of her female friends saying, “Try it. You’ll like it. All the boys want you to do it for them.” (They don’t….)

This trend toward “normalizing” an*l s*x has become so prevalent that it is now even mentioned or alluded to in “tame” forms of entertainment. A few years ago, there was a purported spy movie named “Kingsman: The Golden Circle”. Ostensibly, the “golden circle” was the group of young spies that was recruited by a mysterious older man. But, in the last few seconds of the movie, the main character gets his “reward” for saving England when an imprisoned princess exposes her a**hole to him (i.e.: “the golden circle”). The ultimate message of the movie is that “everyone” should find that attractive. It isn’t. Not even close. So, the next time that you are tempted to consider trampling upon God’s beautiful design for sex by going “against nature”, consider the graphic below.

Tom Kovach (rhymes with "watch") is a former US Air Force law enforcement supervisor, a former Civil Air Patrol search and rescue Ranger instructor and commander, a former deputy sheriff, a certified paralegal, a licensed armed security officer, and a licensed insurance agent. Tom is working on his private investigator's license. He is also a Class-A freefall parachutist, an open-water scuba diver, and a published author. Tom studied theology at the Orthodox Monastery of the Annunciation. Tom Kovach is the founder of the Ancient Future Scriptural Online Church (AFSOC). He lives in the Nashville area.