Ancient Future Scriptural Online Church (AFSOC)

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Jesus can be likened to a USAF Pararescueman. He was highly skilled and specially selected for the mission. He jumped in behind enemy lines. He knew that He was likely to die. He chose to do it anyway, "that others may live" -- forever.

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Jesus can be likened to a USAF Pararescueman. He was highly skilled and specially selected for the mission. He jumped in behind enemy lines. He knew that He was likely to die. He chose to do it anyway, "that others may live" -- forever.

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Answers for YOU Exposition Spiritual Warfare

One little word….

Originally published 29 Apr 2024 via Deep Dive Bible Adventures.

This is the first column in the new category “Answers for YOU”. These are columns that answer questions sent in by readers.

The question was: “Is there a deeper meaning behind Jesus’ statement in John 14:6?” The short answer is an emphatic “yes”.

And, the concept of “emphasis” is at the heart of the answer. Please, read on.

As with any good scuba dive — especially a deep one — a bit of preparation is needed. So, let’s look at the setting of the Bible verse that is at the heart of both the question and the answer.

Chapter 14 of the Gospel According to John begins with a scene of Jesus explaining to His disciples that He will “prepare a place for you” and that “the way you know”. The Apostle Thomas questions this — especially how to “know the way” to a place that he also does not know. Although many people are quick to deride Thomas for “doubting”, the linguistic structure that the Holy Spirit uses sets the stage for the reader to realize — even centuries later — that anyone could have asked that question.

Seriously — if a man that has been by Jesus’ side day and night as He preached all over Israel can’t understand the topic, then how is anyone else supposed to understand it? Thus, instead of thinking of Thomas as a mere “doubter”, we should think of him as an “everyman”, who asks aloud the questions that the rest of us are thinking. And, by asking, Thomas sets the stage for a profound answer that literally affects the eternal future of every person that ever has lived and ever will live.

One little word….

And, that answer hinges upon “one little word”. In the graphic above, the little word “the” is empasized. In spoken English, we emphasize a word by the inflection and volume of our voice. In written English, we normally emphasize by using italics or bold print. With some of the constraints of online writing, sometimes we use ALL CAPS, or different colors, or perhaps circling the words (as in the graphic above). The word “the” makes Jesus’ claim exclusive. In other words, Jesus said that He is “the” Way — and that no other way can work. The same for His claims of being the truth and the life.

Some critics of the Christian faith say that Jesus is being quite “arrogant” by making such a claim. But, if He is truly Son of God, then the claim is not arrogant at all. It is simply a statement of fact. And, upon that statement of fact hinges a person’s eternal destiny. Powerful, indeed.

At this point, you might be thinking, “This doesn’t seem like a ‘deep dive’ to me. I think… that I heard my pastor preach on this… once… maybe 20 years ago….” Fair point. But, this was not the deep dive. Everything so far has been only the preparation for the deep dive.

Points of language

As we move toward the deeper water, we need to consider the “mechanics” of language. Most other languages of the world have either no “definite articles” (a, an, the), or they use such words sparingly. English is the “rare bird” in this regard. We use such articles in almost every sentence. As a result, sometimes a conversation with someone from another country can leave their head spinning as they try to make linguistic connections in their mind that do not exist in their native language. The original texts of the New Testament were written in Greek, which is a language that uses articles sparingly — for emphasis.

Above is shown the same passage in Greek. Notice that the Greek word for “the” is highlighted in the same way as in the English text. But, because Greek uses articles sparingly and mostly only for emphasis, we must read it with that emphasis in mind. And, it is exactly the same as the English explanation above. Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the life….” Again, the articles emphasize “exclusivity” — and so, there is no other way, no other truth, and no other life apart from Jesus. “But wait — there’s more!”

Spiritual depth charges

Continuing with our underwater analogy, with that single statement, Jesus also launched three spiritual “depth charges” — which were aimed at the “submarines” of the three largest religions of the world at that time!

The large population of East Asia (especially China, Mongolia, and Korea) were largely practicing a religion called the Tao (the Chinese word for “way”). Its focus was/is an integrated lifestyle that leads to wealth and worldly success. Taoism has no “god”, per se, but instead relies upon a series of impersonal principles that govern all of life’s activities. (Think of those principles as “The Force”…. The “yin and yang” are the light and dark “sides” of the same thing.) The punishment of Taoism is that bad behavior embarrasses one’s ancestors, who are watching from above. Such embarrassment creates “negative energy”.) At the same time, Israel was swallowed up by the Roman Empire, which was still heavily influenced by the aftermath of the Greek Empire (so much so that the Roman citizens in that part of the world spoke Greek). History well recognizes the continuing influences of the major Greek philosophers (from a compound Greek word that means “brothers of wisdom”). Greek religion emphasized the pursuit of truth, and it used allegorical myths to convey those truths. Meanwhile, in between the Middle East and China, the Indian subcontinent was caught up in the religion of the Buddha, who taught a nearly endless cycle of reincarnations until one can finally work off all of the “bad karma” and reach the state of “enlightenment” — at which time one achieves eternal life “at one with the Buddha”. Jesus did not choose the words “way”, “truth”, and “life” by mere chance. He was conducting spiritual warfare! He put His feet upon the necks of the three major religions that covered most of the world’s population at that time!

One Way to Heaven

Jesus is the only way to eternal life and reward in Heaven. He is not merely “one” way out of many ways. (That is the teaching of the B’hai religion, which comes from Iran — “all roads lead to Heaven”.) His suffering and death to pay for our sins were real. (Islam teaches that Jesus was beaten and crucified, but that He did not feel any pain because God spared Him. The docetic heresy teaches that Jesus’ body was an illusion [a “divine hologram”, if you please], and thus it was impossible to feel pain.) Jesus paid the sin penalty in full upon the Cross. Christianity is the only religion in which “a god” (the only-begotten Son of God) dies for people. But, Jesus did not die for only “people”; He died for you and me. Please consider your eternal fate. If you are not already a saved believer in Jesus the Christ, then please take this time to pray to God and ask Him to save you in His Son Jesus — the only Way, Truth, and Life.

Tom Kovach (rhymes with "watch") is a former US Air Force law enforcement supervisor, a former Civil Air Patrol search and rescue Ranger instructor and commander, a former deputy sheriff, a certified paralegal, a licensed armed security officer, and a licensed insurance agent. Tom is working on his private investigator's license. He is also a Class-A freefall parachutist, an open-water scuba diver, and a published author. Tom studied theology at the Orthodox Monastery of the Annunciation. Tom Kovach is the founder of the Ancient Future Scriptural Online Church (AFSOC). He lives in the Nashville area.