Ancient Future Scriptural Online Church (AFSOC)

"We're the other AFSOC…!" (Founded: Fri, 16 Aug 2024)

Jesus can be likened to a USAF Pararescueman. He was highly skilled and specially selected for the mission. He jumped in behind enemy lines. He knew that He was likely to die. He chose to do it anyway, "that others may live" -- forever.

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Jesus can be likened to a USAF Pararescueman. He was highly skilled and specially selected for the mission. He jumped in behind enemy lines. He knew that He was likely to die. He chose to do it anyway, "that others may live" -- forever.

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Queen Esther

Queen Esther and verbal Kung Fu

To set the foundation for today’s post, I must extol The One-Year Bible (NKJV). I have been reading some version of the One-Year Bible since 1989. It is an amazing study and self-discipline tool. This unique presentation of the Holy…